Marathon Mahi and Triple Tail – Feb

Got a first-time offshore angler and timing was perfect for going deep. With a flat calm day and the gulfstream 28 miles offshore this would be a good day to run out for a sword drop. On the way we were watching for anything fishy. Got all the way to 900 before seeing some scattered weeds and flyers. Started to troll in this area and 15 minutes in to it we are hooked up. Jordan grabs the reel and starts working a mahi.

Got one in the box. Continue to work along this edge and pick up two more and one goes on ice. With no knock downs for a while we decide to move on and look for a better line. A few miles south we come upon a better formed line and start trolling in 1000’. Caught three more working this area and one goes on ice.

On the way to the next spot I saw the top of a board bobbing up and down. We trolled past it a couple time with no bites, so we pull up to jig it. As we get closer there is a chunky triple tail there. Jordan is dropping a deep jig while I get a pitch bait ready. We switch rods and on the second cast he has the tripletail hooked.

Made a quick sword drop and the bait gets hammered on the first drop just as we were getting close to the bottom. Reeling up slack like nothing is there and then pop, hook comes out. Reset and tried a couple more drifts but no bites. Caught 6 dolphin keep 3, 24-28” and a chunky triple tail. Was a nice first-time saltwater experience.

Great day of fishing in