Marathon reef – happy hour – Nov 8th

Had lots of onshore work and catch up for today but I wanted to check out the reef. Around 2pm loaded up and headed out looking for bait. Water still dirty can’t see patch reefs in 10’ of water. Anchored up on a spot that was 12’ dropping off to 30’ hoping for ballyhoo. Set up, put chum out and waited but no bait. Some hound fish and then yellow tails started showing up. Released several YTs and then one 13” one gets gut hooked. So now I need to catch enough to make a meal. Next hookup on a jig acted much different and turned out to be Cero. After a couple of cut offs I tied a small piece of wire on. Never caught another cero but got the biggest YT on the wire. Most YTs were 13-14” the bigger one was 18”. Wind is going to start picking up over the weekend so get out while you can.


Today’s tally: 8 yellow tails, 1 cero and 1 blue reef fish – parrot
Another great day of fishing in Marathon